Friday, September 27, 2024
HomeFacts vs FictionQuestion The NarrativeIf Blacks in the Americas are the Biblical Israelites, then who are...

If Blacks in the Americas are the Biblical Israelites, then who are the current Jews?

If you are reading this article, that means you are on a search for answers. When most black people are first awaken to the fact that they are the true Israelites of the Bible, one of the first questions they ask is, “if we are the true Biblical Israelite nation, then who are the current people who claim to be Jews?”

Well, in a nutshell, they are proselytes.

Simply, they are converts to an altered version of the spiritual practices of the Biblical Israelites. And the phrase “spiritual practices”is specifically used instead of religion, because religion is a man-made construct.

Now, to even call someone a Jews is not Biblically correct because the Israelites were never at any point in time in the Bible known as Jews.  With man making changes to the Bible overtime, this change was made to suit their sinister agendas.

You will also notice that this article will not make reference to them as “converts to the Israelite culture or nation” as one cannot convert to another ethnic group’s culture or nationality.  While your spiritual practices are one characteristic of your culture, there are other characteristics such as genetics, way of life, social norms, etc. that are shared amongst a particular nation (group of people) that cannot be counterfeited. 

Contrary to the current man-made sociological definition of a nation, a nation according to the Bible is defined by genealogy (genetics and ancestral lineage).  As an example, Jacob (aka Israel) had twelve sons whose generations became the Israelites.

As you read this article, you might think, we as black people are crazy in saying we are the true Biblical Israelites because we were told that our ancestors were taken from Africa and brought to the Americas (Caribbean, South, Central, and North America) as slaves. But how many of you have spent your entire life asking where in Africa we came from and for the longest time the answer was, “we don’t know.”

In saying that, similar to what some black people or other racial groups have said, you might also be saying, “oh, these poor blacks have suffered at the hands of the colonizers, have lost their identities to this day, and are just clasping on to anything that would give them a sense of identify.” 

Now, let’s say you leave your fact finding at your inconclusive judgment, then you are not that wise in your approach. You don’t want the truth or are looking for the truth, you just want to satisfy and feed your ignorance.

Those who seek knowledge understand that it is the beginning of wisdom, and wisdom starts by asking questions and seeking to find answers to questions. Being wise is not making accusations and presumptions, which further perpetuates the socially constructed lies.  

Be assured that there is an answer for every question you have.  And, there are many sources available that will provide answers.  While some sources have a sinister agenda and others do not, the answers you find might be the truth, a lie, or a mixture of both. It is up to you to wisely collect, analyze, interpret, and discern the data into meaningful and truthful information.  

Here are some simple questions you should be asking yourself:

If blacks in the Americas are the true Biblical Israelites, then who are the group of people who currently call themselves Jews?

At what point in history did they convert and come to claim they are the Biblical Israelites, and why was this the case?

What caused the current Jews to convert to the Biblical Israelites’ spiritual practices?

What is the current Jews true cultural background and where are they truly from geographically?

What is their genealogy?

Are black people the only group of people who are saying that the people who currently call themselves Jews are not the Biblical Israelites? If not, who else is saying so?

Better yet, which nations, countries, ethnic groups, institutions, scholars, rabbis, priests, etc.  know this information and are keeping it hush hush?

How far back in history have they known that the current Jews are not the true Biblical Israelites?

If there are others who are contesting that the current Jews are not the true Biblical Israelites and “at the same time they are not telling you who the true Biblical Israelites are,” then you have to say to yourself, if person A is saying person B is not something, then person A must know who is, in order to state such facts of person B.

By seeking answers for these simple questions, you will be very surprised what information you will dig up.

When (and not if) the questions above unveil who the true Biblical Israelites are, then you need to ask yourself:

Why was this information withheld from us as black people relative to who we really are?

Who specifically withheld this information?

You need to carefully examine the arguments that the blacks of the Americas are the True Biblical Israelites.

What reasons do black people really have to concoct such stories; as if we don’t have enough to deal with in a society that is constantly, day and night working to suppress, oppress, and destroy the black race ? We are day to day fighting for survival in Babylon, so how would this claim benefit us.

Here are some leads you might use to begin your research:

Firstly, study carefully (not just read) your Bible from beginning to end. Get a copy of the Book of Jasher as well. They claim the Book of Jasher is not credible because it is not inspired by God. Well, when and who did God tell that it is not inspired by Him. If the Book of Jasher is not inspired by God, then the books of Joshua and Samuel should be removed from the Bible. And likewise must be considered not inspired by God since they both make mention of the Book of Jasher. (Reference: Joshua 10:12-13, 2 Samuel 1:18-27)

Here’s the joke of the day…

And God said, “with the events that happened in the Books of Joshua and 2 Samuel, don’t give all the details, put the rest of the details in the Book of Jasher and tell my people to go to the Book of Jasher for further details.” Then at a later date God said, “by the way, I have changed my mind, the Book of Jasher is not credible source. I now deemed it not inspired by me so don’t include it as a collection of the Bible going forward and hide it from the general mass. If they happen to come across it, tell them it was not inspired by me why it was removed as part of the Bible collections.” Then God said, “oh shoot, I forgot to remove all references to the Book of Jasher in the Books of Samuel and Joshua before I made them public. Well, just remove the Book of Jasher from public circulation and don’t even mention it existed. If people happen to encounter it, just use your so-called scholars to reinforce the so-called fact that it is not inspired by me. Tell people your scholars are anointed by me. This will give the inconsistency some credibility and believeability.”

Come on people, use your common sense. Question the narrative.

Anyway, we have digressed.

Other sources you can start with to answer some of your questions:

Khazaria 2.0? The Planned Jewish Migration Out of Israel – to Ukraine –

Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine –

It is recommended that you also read the following books as well:

The Thirteen Tribes by Arthur Koestler

Check out the Author called Dante Fortson. He has a wide selection of reading materials.


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